Welcome to XR Bazaar
The future of work starts here
XR Bazaar is a new platform created by the same team that brought to life Lenslist, the most robust XR Community, the biggest depository of AR experiences and XR content powerhouse. 
Now it’s time to take the next step on our journey to
support and grow the XR creator economy.
The Extended Reality (XR) / Metaverse / Web3 space is ready for a new platform focused on business. The biggest, most influential companies invest billions, brands from all sectors launch XR campaigns and some are already laying the foundation for their own metaverses. That’s why we’re introducing a job portal dedicated to XR business, where:
  • XR Professionals find work,
  • Brands become metaverse-ready,
  • Architects of the Future meet.
Who are the “Architects of the Future”?
This is our code name for both ends of the table – XR Creators/Studios and innovative brands. Because just like with any new endeavor, for our digital and IRL realities to mix, we need both the creative work and well-invested capital to go hand in hand. That’s how we’ll build our future.
For Creators
Create a portfolio for free,
Our panel is fully tailored
to XR Creators’ needs,
Share it with prospective clients,
Through a platform dedicated
to XR,
Get higher in the search results,
By adding more projects, diversifying your portfolio and taking part in community activations on Lenslist.
For Studios
Drive inbound traffic to your
  studio and convert it to sales,
By showcasing your best work,
Hire freelancers and full-time
Using our Job Board or Search,
Show-off as an XR Pro,
By collaborating with us on
content creation.
For Businesses
Find talent for your next
  XR campaign,
Using our Job Board or Search,
Get metaverse-ready,
By joining our futuristic
Learn and get inspired,
By stories and summaries posted
in our magazine and shared in
the monthly newsletter.
Our 2023 Roadmap

February: Launching the Open Beta

February – April: Create your Portfolio

Lenslist Team / XR Bazaar:

In the first stage, our goal is to gather 1,000 portfolios, so that we have enough to impress and gather interest from brands and marketers.

Internally, we’ll be improving the signed-in panel according to your best insights and developing the main search page.


In this phase you can create and share your portfolio, add all types of projects and information there, like your best skills, experience, software you’re proficient in, so that you’re ready to get hired once the main page opens.

During this time, you’re also welcome to share all your feedback and feature requests. The portal won’t work for you without your input!

March: Rewarding the Most Active


In March, everyone who created a portfolio will receive badges based on their activity on Lenslist – Did we feature your work in Weekly Selections? Have you participated in our challenges and hackathons?

If so, you’ll get points for taking part in our activities and based on that you’ll be placed higher in the search results once we launch the main page.

April: Official Launch

Lenslist Team / XR Bazaar:

In this stage we plan to launch the main site for everyone to be able to search for Creators, Developers and Agencies based on skill, location, pricing and more.

On top of launching the site, we’ll start posting very specific content, focused on the business and professional aspects of the XR industry.


In April, you’ll be able to check out all of the portfolios added to our site and have your portfolio highlighted and featured based on your work, activity on Lenslist, and information you shared about your skills, experience, and preferences.

April – June: Developing the Job Boards

Lenslist Team / XR Bazaar:

Here we plan to work on developing the job boards and ways for potential clients to find and reach out to the people they look for.

We’ll also work on the premium plan that will enable additional features in your portfolio and make your portfolio more visible in the search results.

June: Launching the Job Boards

Lenslist Team / XR Bazaar:

Once the job boards are launched, we’ll focus on directing all the traffic from brands and marketers to XR Bazaar.

The goal is to effectively promote the portal and have at least 50 offers posted until the end of August.


After launching the job boards, you’ll be able to search for paid work (from one-time gigs to full-time jobs), post ads when looking for collaborators or employees and buy a premium plan that will bump you to the top of the search results.

About Lenslist
Lenslist started out as a passion project, back in 2017, when we were first introduced to the power of social AR. Our first goal was to inspire, so we launched and now continue to grow the biggest depository of AR effects online.
Then, once we extended our network of Creators and Developers, we started to publish our blog, filled with interviews, industry overviews and most importantly weekly and monthly selections, which allowed us to become curators of the AR space.
In 2020 we started partnering with the biggest social AR platforms like SnapAR or Meta Spark aiming to bring monetization opportunities to Creators by hosting community challenges and hackathons. Today we continue our mission to provide inspiration, opportunities and support to our Community and launching XR Bazaar is another milestone on our journey.
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