Ways to work with us
For XR Creators
For XR Studios
For Businesses
Create portfolio
Take advantage of our platform to create your own XR portfolio and share it with potential clients and collaborators for free. Our platform is designed specifically for the XR Community, so your profile won’t get lost in the crowd like on other portfolio platforms.
Get Active
The more projects you upload and the more you take part in our community activities on Lenslist, the higher your profile will pop up in the search results. Soon, you’ll also be able to get a premium account and get bumped to the top of our search.
Get Hired
Your profile will be visible in our Search, where business and XR studios can find freelancers and employees. You can also use the Job Board, to actively search for jobs and opportunities or you can be recommended by us through our Scouting Program.
Find Collaborators
You can also use our Search or Job Board to find other Creators you’d like to meet, learn from or collaborate on a project with.
Learn How to Go from a Hobbyist to an XR Professional
Follow our content, both our monthly Magazine on the main site and our social media and learn from top XR Creators, Developers and Studios about their business, marketing and growth strategy.
Create portfolio
Showcase your best projects in your free XR Bazaar portfolio and drive inbound traffic to your studio. Soon, you’ll also be able to get a premium account to get more visibility and get bumped to the top of our search results.
Hire Freelancers
and Full-Time Employees
Use the Job Board to post job offers or project briefs and get the best people for the job – easier and quicker.
Drive Projects to your Studio
Once you sign up for XR Bazaar, your studio will be visible in our Search, aimed for Businesses to find contractors and partners for their XR campaigns. Another way to get deals is to answer to offers and project briefs posted on the Job Board or to sign up for our Scouting program, where you’d be taken into consideration for our direct recommendations.
Get Featured
Get more visibility on XR Bazaar and Lenslist by getting featured in our social media channels and our monthly magazine.
Search for XR Professionals
Use our Search to find freelance Creators, full-time employees and XR Studios to hire for your next XR – AR, VR, MR, digital fashion – project or campaign.
Post Job Offers & Project Briefs
Drive XR Creators and Studios to your next project by posting it on our Job Board – the easiest way to find the right people for the job. Once your job offer or project brief is published, there are no further fees neither for you nor the contractor.
Scout for the Best
If recruiting freelancers or employees in the XR field seems like a difficult task for you, let us do it for you. With a network of 10,000+ XR Creators and Studios and years of experience and know-how, we can find you the exact people you need.
Collaborate with XR Artists
One aspect that distinguishes top brands from the rest is collaborating with artists on creative projects aimed to expand and enhance their image. Now you can be one of the first to launch a collaboration with the new generation of artists expressing themselves through XR.
Activate the XR Community
Imagine hundreds of XR Creators coming up with projects inspired by your brand and publishing them all over social media. At Lenslist, we hosted over a dozen of challenges and hackathons aimed to activate our Community around platforms like Meta Spark, Snap AR, Niantic Lightship or TikTok’s Effect House, so why not engage them in taking your brand to the next level?
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